Home 9 Divisions 9 Juvenile Court and Out of Custody

Juvenile Courts and Out of Custody

Prevention, Diversion and Supervision

Juvenile Services

The Probation Department serves as the core of the Juvenile Justice System.  We strive to divert youth from becoming justice involved and provide a wide variety of services to youth who are adjudicated of a crime.

The Juvenile Services Division consists of Non-Custody Intake, Juvenile Investigations and Court Services, Team Supervision, Campus Probation, Placement, Family Preservation, Juvenile RESET, and Central Records.

Non-Custody Intake Unit (NCIU)

NCIU is focused on delinquency prevention. Law enforcement agencies throughout the county refer youth to NCIU who have been alleged to have committed crimes.  The probation officers are responsible for conducting an investigation which may consist of interviews with the youth and parents, review of the crime report, and any other necessary research.  Youth are then either referred to the District Attorney’s Office for consideration of formal filing; or the youth are placed on informal probation, pursuant to Section 654 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.  Youth who are provided informal probation are provided counseling and out of custody services to deter further delinquency.   Additionally, the NCIU submits reports to the Court to provide suitability recommendations for youth considered for informal probation pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 654.2 and 654.3.

Juvenile Investigations Unit

The Juvenile Investigations Unit is mandated to prepare reports for the Court pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code 281. Officers prepare recommendation reports to the Court for youth adjudicated for crimes. The report includes information from the victim(s), the social information regarding the youth including school records, prior criminal and dependency history, parent and family information, and any other information obtained to determine an appropriate disposition for the youth.  

Team Supervision Unit

The Team Supervision Unit is responsible for the supervision of youth who have been adjudged wards of the court and placed on probation.  Officers utilize the Juvenile Assessment and Intervention System (JAIS) to determine the risk and needs of the youth to develop a strategic supervision case plan.  Supervision is designed to provide support to the youth and family by giving referrals to services including, but not limited to, individual or family counseling, substance use disorder couseling, anger management, and educational programs.  Officers support the youth’s progress by compliance monitoring, random drug, and alcohol testing and searches.

Photo of Field Officer
Photo of meeting

Family Preservation Unit

The Family Preservation Unit is responsible for the supervision of youth who are at risk to be removed from their home or have significant issues needing to be addressed.  The primary focus of this program is to identify the needs of both the juvenile and the family and to provide “wrap-around” like support and intervention services in the home environment. This program utilizes strength-based, family-centered, intensive, individualized case planning, and management model strategies. Family Preservation also employs a team-based approach in the planning and implementation process, involving people who are instrumental in the formative years including, but not limited to: family members; social support networks; faith-based entities; service providers; and other community-based representatives.

Placement Unit

The Placement Unit provides supervision to youth who are determined removed from their at the direction of the Court. A report containing information regarding the need for placement and a case plan must be submitted to the Court pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 706.5.  The Court shall order the care, custody, and control of the minor to be under the supervision of the probation officer who may place the minor in any of the following:  the home of a relative, a non-related extended family member, a Short–Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) or a licensed Resource Family. By statute, all foster children placed in STRTP’s must be visited at least monthly regardless of location.

photo of car

Campus Prevention Unit

The Campus Supervision Unit has multiple officers assigend to various school campuses throughout the County.  The officers maintain a supervision caseload of youth who attend their assigned schools.  Officers on campus assist with delinquency prevention and early intervention for youth struggling with behavioral issues in the school environment.

Division Manager

Brian Kern

Supervising Probation Officers

Danny Serpa 
Albert Ferreira 
Tammy Peckham
Jeffrey Rodgers

Jeffrey Rodgers

From living by the river in Porterville to now living at a place on his own, Jeffrey Rodgers has changed his life.