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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page, where you will find answers about our services, arrests and court. Find what you need with ease and efficiency.

Victims Services and Restitution

Where can I get Victim/Witness Assistance?

Please visit the Tulare DA website here:

Where can I find the Victims’ Bill of Rights?

Marsy’s Law significantly expands the rights of victims in California. Please visit the State of California Department of Justice website here:

What are the victims' role and rights in the Juvenile Court Process?

Please refer to our informational document containing all the needed information by clicking here.

What are the Restitution Basics for Victims of Juvenile Crime?

Please refer to our informational document containing all the needed information by clicking here.

What are the Restitution Basics for Victims of Adult Crime?

Please refer to our informational document containing all the needed information by clicking here.

Citizen Complaint

How do I make a complaint or report a concern about a Probation Department employee?

Each area office and the main office, located at the County Courthouse in Visalia, have complaint forms available as required by law. We would encourage anyone that has a complaint or concern about an issue or an employee to contact the closest area office and speak to a supervisor.

Click here for the Personnel Complaint Form

Arrests, Court and more info

What Happens When You Are Arrested?

For information about an Adult, call the Sheriff’s Office at (559)-636-4050.

If you are inquiring about a juvenile, call the arresting agency or the Juvenile Detention Facility at (559)-735-1600.

What is the Juvenile Court Process?

View the entire process in our flowchart here.

What information do parent need to know for juvenile court?
How do I seal my juvenile record?

Your juvenile records do appear on your criminal record. But, as of your 18th birthday, you are eligible to petition to have your juvenile records sealed. Note that your juvenile records are NOT automatically sealed when you turn 18; you MUST petition the juvenile court to have them sealed. Once your records are sealed, no one can gain access to them and they will be completely destroyed 5 years from the date of sealing. You MUST contact the court in the county you were convicted or complete the Juvenile Expungement Form and submit it to the probation department for processing.