Success Stories
Overcoming Adversity and Achieving Success
Creating Brighter Futures
Tulare County Probation wants you to hear the stories of individuals who have overcome obstacles in life. These stories paint a powerful picture and shed light on the impact of our officers and community partnerships. Each story showcases the transformative journey of those who, despite facing significant challenges, have navigated through adversity to achieve remarkable success.
Jeffrey Rodgers
From living by the river in Porterville to now living at a place on his own, Jeffrey Rodgers has changed his life.
Janelle Carter
Janelle Carter is living proof of how Drug Court’s community partnerships can lead to positive outcomes and a newfound outlook on life.
Conception Rangel
Rangel is a U.S. Veteran who successfully completed her probation through Veteran’s Treatment Court and turned her life around.
Lisa Brooks
Lisa Brooks recently completed mental health court after a five-year battle with drugs and mental health challenges.
Michelle Escamilla
Escamilla successfully completed the Veterans Court Program and was presented with a plaque for her hard work and dedication.