Adult Court Division
Ensuring Safety and Rehabilitation
Probation Services in Action
The Tulare County Probation Department seves the Court by providing pre and post sentencing recommendations designed to protect the community, enhance the quality of life, and serve the Court.
Court Services
The Probation Department partners with the Tulare County Superior Court, providing Probation Court Officers in the Pre Trial and Specialty Courts, which includes Veteran’s Court, Drug Court, Recovery Court, and Mental Health Court. These court officers act as a liaison between agencies and provide assistance when needed.

Pretrial Services
With changes in legislation over the years, Pretrial release and detention have changed from a monetary system to a risk-based system. Probation Officers complete and provide the Court with the Public Safety Assessment at Arraignment. The Tulare County Superior Court judges use the assessment information to facilitate the safe and efficient release of arrestees before trial, using the least restrictive monitoring practices, while protecting public safety and ensuring court appearances.
Supervised Own Recognizance Release (SORR)
The Court may order a defendant, who must voluntarily agree to as a condition of their pretrial release, submit to supervision, which may include GPS monitoring, search and other terms. The release of an individual is determined by the Court, utilizing an actuarial risk assessment called the Public Safety Assessment. The assessment tool predicts the likelihood of failures to appear at future court dates and the likelihood of the commission of new criminal offenses.
For more information regarding the Public Safety Assessment, please visit:

Adult Investigations
Pursuant to the California Penal Code Section 1203(b)(2)(A), the Probation Department is required to conduct an thorough investigation of persons convited of a felony offense, which inclues a comprehensive review of case related documents, interviewing interested parties, compiling a report and formulating recommendations to guide the Courts in their sentencing decisions. The investigators are well versed in the nuances of California Sentencing law and the Rules of Court. The investigators ensure victims are adequately represented during the Court process and submit restitution recommendations on behalf of the victims.
Adult Transitions Unit
The Tulare County Probation Department, Adult Transition Unit (ATU), was re-established in May 2023, in an effort to adopt evidence-based transitional strategies to help reintegrate justice involved individuals’ successful transition back into their communities. Partnerships in reentry efforts include the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) Programs, GEO Reentry Services, and community-based organizations through the Probation Connections Center.
The ATU will review the individual’s terms and conditions of the Court and establish reporting instructions. Risk Needs assessments will be conducted and the results will be shared with the partners to determine supervision dosage and assignment of appropriate treatment plans. Once referrals have been made and initial appointments are completed, the individuals will be reassigned to a supervision officer for compliance monitoring.

Division Manager
Supervising Probation Officers
Mike Vaca

Jeffrey Rodgers
From living by the river in Porterville to now living at a place on his own, Jeffrey Rodgers has changed his life.
Jeffrey Rodgers
From living by the river in Porterville to now living at a place on his own, Jeffrey Rodgers has changed his life.